
6958189Stir02 is a membership and mailing system suitable for any organization raising funds and having members, subscribers or customers with whom it needs to communicate on a regular or irregular basis.

Why you need Stir02 . . .

With Stir02’s help, you’ll raise more money and run a more effective organization by keeping better track of:
regular ongoing payments – dues, subscriptions etc.
casual payments – like donations, function attendance fees etc.
regular instalments for a defined period
casual non-monetary events – like setting goals

Stir02 will reduce the resources you need to:
maintain records of your members
track their standing within your organization
communicate effectively with the members
know the status of the membership list at any time – in summary or for individuals

Stir02 is a free product. You can use it without any payment to Atac as long as you do not resell it. However, you do need to register it with Atac.

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